Sunday, January 25, 2009

an advice..

Once we are in love we should never complain about anything.
Rather we should accept the fact that it was our mistake that we fell in love with someone who does not give a damn about all this.
People accept the fact that you made a mistake, she didn’t ask you to love her and it’s only you who is going to suffer for the rest of your life.
We should try to learn from this and try to overcome from all this rather then complaining..


zohaib said...

I thought about this after i saw my jordanian friend crying in the mosque very recently..
sat with him there till 5am to know what really the problem was..
I dont know if i'am correct with this writing or not, but probably this may help somewhat..

tinkerbell said...

wish i could meet your friend.. tell him , its never wrong 2 fall in love.. maybe he's got to accept the fact that she might not feel the same for him, but you know something, its these little things in life he'll laugh about when he grows older.. the girl will be with him as a beautiful memory even then..

zohaib said...

what to say..
you might be right..
but look from other perspective..
we fall in these stuffs at the most crucial stage of our life..
can you imagine how much difficult it becomes to concentrate on other n things..
it ruines you completely..