My life is not mine
My life is for my parents who are the reason for my existence
My life is for the people
It is for the humanity
For all these years I thought about my aspirations
But now I realise how materialistic I was
My aspirations are not mine
My aspirations are the people’s aspirations
The aspiration of every needy people I come across
For me Success is about to have ‘n’ number of BMW’s
But it is now that I realise that success is beyond BMW’s
For me it is a nominal success
A real success is about earning people.
It is about acting as a catalyst in every needy people’s life
It is about fulfilling the needs and aspirations of every single people I come across
My aspirations are my dreams and it gives me sleepless nights
It makes me loose my appetite
Probably because I want it very fast, I want it too soon
I lack patience
People tell me, I’m over ambitious
And I think they are right
I’m overambitious because there is too much to be done and I have such a short lifespan.
A very long way to go
I can’t see the three arms of my clock stopping ever.
How can I stop myself?
There is a lot to be done and I have so less time
Want to earn the resources and start fulfilling the aspirations of my people
The aspirations of humanity
Want to be a billionaire to fulfil billion people’s aspirations
--To remove billion people’s hunger
--To give billion people employment
My life is not mine
It is yours
I don’t want all this for the sake of recognition
For the sake of respect
And I don’t want to be a saint
Nor heaven is the reason
I want all this because I like it